Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Morning.....It came!!!!!

I thought the boys would die with excitement!!! They could barely contain themselves. They were up at like 6:30am watching TV with Grandpa, waiting for Grandma and I to get up! They loved everything they got and thought each thing, big or small, was the greatest gift ever!! I'm so glad they appreciated everything. We had a fun goes by very fast! Vick and Bryn weren't able to come down this year, but we had them up on the web cam so they still got to watch the boys open worked out great! Here are some more pics from this morning.....
The boys and I opening up the x-mas morning bed hair!

I-Pod's! Awesome!!!
OMG! A Rubix Cube!!

Everything is soooo Cool!!!
I think she likes it!!

Isn't technology so cool! Here is Vick and Bryn watching us from Beverly Hills while we open presents!! Miss you guys! The boys are flying out there tomorrow to spend New Years with them....Rock On!! They will have a blast, like always!!!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Looks like you guys had a great Christmas! Your boys are so cute!